Nov. 17, 2023

Building Leaders vs. Training Leaders: What's the Difference?

Building Leaders vs. Training Leaders: What's the Difference?

Leadership is a crucial component of any successful organization. It's often said that leaders aren't born; they're made. But what does it mean to "build" leaders versus "training" them? In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between these two approaches and how they contribute to the growth and development of effective leaders.


Building Leaders


Building leaders involves a more holistic and long-term approach. It focuses on nurturing and developing leadership qualities over time. Here are some key elements of building leaders:

1. Identifying Potential:

Building leaders starts with identifying individuals with leadership potential within your organization. This involves looking beyond their current roles and recognizing their innate qualities, such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and a strong work ethic.


2. Mentorship and Coaching:

Once potential leaders are identified, they are provided with mentorship and coaching. Experienced leaders within the organization take them under their wings, sharing their knowledge and providing guidance to help them grow.


3. Personal Development:

Building leaders includes personal and professional development. Leaders are encouraged to take on challenging projects, attend leadership workshops, and participate in programs that enhance their skills and self-awareness.


4. Culture of Leadership:

Building leaders requires creating a culture that encourages leadership at all levels of the organization. It's about fostering an environment where individuals are empowered to take initiative and make decisions.


5. Succession Planning:

Building leaders is closely tied to succession planning. Organizations with a focus on building leaders have a pipeline of potential leaders ready to step into key roles when needed.


Training Leaders


Training leaders, on the other hand, is a more structured and focused approach. It involves providing specific skills and knowledge to individuals to prepare them for leadership roles. Here are key aspects of training leaders:


1. Skill Development:

Training leaders emphasizes teaching specific leadership skills and competencies. This can include workshops, seminars, and courses on topics like communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution.


2. Leadership Programs:

Organizations often implement leadership training programs designed to equip individuals with the necessary tools for leadership roles. These programs may include assessments, case studies, and practical exercises.


3. Quick Readiness:

Training leaders is often seen as a quicker way to prepare individuals for leadership positions. It's suitable for situations where there's an immediate need for someone to take on a leadership role.


4. External Resources:

Organizations may use external resources, such as leadership development consultants or educational institutions, to provide specialized training for potential leaders.



Both building leaders and training leaders are essential for an organization's success. The choice between the two approaches depends on various factors, including the organization's culture, goals, and the time available to prepare individuals for leadership roles.

Building leaders is a more long-term and holistic approach, fostering leadership qualities from within the organization. It can create a culture of leadership and ensure a steady supply of capable leaders over time.

Training leaders, on the other hand, is a focused and quicker approach, providing specific skills and knowledge to individuals. It's valuable when immediate leadership needs arise and can complement the long-term approach of building leaders.


In practice, many organizations use a combination of both approaches to create a well-rounded leadership development strategy. By understanding the differences between building and training leaders, organizations can tailor their efforts to nurture leadership talent effectively.


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